Increasing the Lifespan of Software for Demographic Analysis

Many researchers face challenges with computational reproducibility. For instance, running analysis code written just a year earlier can be problematic. Even if it worked flawlessly and gave the expected results earlier, it might fail due to errors now (see Fig. 1). These issues are typically due to the use of newer versions of analysis software…. Read More

Unlocking Population Estimation Using Readily Available Data

Population estimation techniques rely on past population data, number of births, deaths, and migration. While various techniques have been used to accurately produce population estimates, the gold standard has been the cohort-component method. However, this method is limited by the fact that some populations may lack the appropriate indicators (e.g., births, deaths, or other changes… Read More

Knowing and understanding change: Methods insights using historical pandemic data

Pandemic diseases, like COVID-19, have far-reaching effects that are difficult to identify or predict during the course of the pandemic itself. Case numbers and mortality due to pandemic diseases ebb and flow, but even after time has passed, it is useful to know (1) when the waves occurred, (2) if the pandemic disease had effects… Read More